
3 Effective Acupuncture Techniques

Acupuncture has been used as a healing method for thousands of years. The concept behind it is to achieve balance in the flow of energy that flows through our bodies. Acupuncture focuses on a number of areas in the body like the ears, hands, head and other points (possibly even your feet) and inserting tiny needles at these points in order to help bring about this natural healing process.


 Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese therapy that uses burning mugwort herb to treat various ailments. It’s similar to acupuncture, but instead of needles, the practitioner uses a piece of moxa (Chinese mugwort) that has been rolled into a cigar shape.

In China, moxa was used for thousands of years before acupuncture was developed as a separate technique. Moxibustion is still widely used today in China, Japan and Korea.

Moxibustion is usually done on an acupuncture point or acupressure point, but it can also be applied to other areas of the body such as the face or neck. The herb is lit and held near the skin until it burns out — typically between two and five minutes — then removed before it burns too close to the skin.

Auricular acupuncture 

Auricular acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that involves the stimulation of specific points on the outer ear called acupoints. It is claimed by its practitioners to treat a wide range of medical conditions, including chronic pain and depression.

Auricular acupuncture was developed by Dr. Paul Nogier, a French ear specialist who practiced in the 1960s and 1970s. He claimed that he discovered the existence of these points by accident while treating patients with facial paralysis.

The practice became popular through word of mouth and its popularity increased after being featured on television shows such as The Dr. Oz Show.

Auricular acupuncture is one of many alternative therapies used by practitioners of Chinese medicine (or TCM). TCM practitioners believe that there are several systems of energy called qi (pronounced “chee”) circulating throughout our bodies. These qi move through channels called meridians. In order to maintain balance between these two types of energy, TCM practitioners use various techniques such as dietary changes, herbal remedies and acupuncture to open up blocked meridians.


 Acupressure is a form of alternative medicine, which involves the stimulation of points on the body by applying pressure with the fingertips. Acupressure is practiced worldwide and is based on the concept of life energy which flows through “meridians” in the body. In Japan, acupressure has been practiced since at least the 12th century AD (Heavenly Needles), while in China it originated in India during the first millennium BC.

In practice, acupressure points are stimulated by tapping them with fingers or thumbs, or by pressing, holding and rubbing them. Some techniques involve more than one point; others aim to stimulate points along a meridian line. There are many ways of applying pressure. The most common method is to use the thumb and forefinger together as this produces a stronger effect than using either finger alone. Some people prefer to use two fingers such as index fingers and middle fingers at once or use all four fingers together but it depends on how much pressure you can handle and what works best for you.

When it comes to traditional medicine, acupuncture is one of the most popular techniques out there. If you’ve never tried it before, you might want to think about giving it a shot. As shown above, there are numerous benefits to be enjoyed. These include painful or chronic joint problems, migraines, fertility treatments and much more. Ultimately, the right choice will depend on your needs. Give some of these acupuncture techniques a shot and see how it works for you!

Acupuncture Can Make You More Energized, Here’s Why

If you’re a person who struggles with feeling tired and having little energy during the day, acupuncture may be able to help with that. Acupuncture can make you feel more energized and increase not only your overall mood but also your outlook on life. It is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Increased blood flow

Acupuncture increases blood flow throughout the body, which can help boost your overall energy levels. The increased circulation helps remove toxins and waste products from every cell in your body, which also has a positive effect on mental clarity and physical well being. Lymphatic drainage: Acupuncture helps your lymph system function properly by removing excess fluid from tissues throughout your body. The increased lymph flow clears toxins from the brain and spinal cord, which can help reduce headaches and contribute to improved mental clarity.

Boosted immune system

Recent research has shown that acupuncture can help to boost the immune system. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, studied the effects of acupuncture on people with Lyme disease, a bacterial infection that can lead to chronic fatigue and neurological problems.

The study found that people who received acupuncture had better immune responses than those who did not receive the treatment. The researchers believe this is because acupuncture stimulates nerve fibers in the skin, which may affect the central nervous system’s ability to control inflammation and other processes related to stress and pain.

Other studies have shown that acupuncture helps relieve stress-related conditions like insomnia and depression. When you’re stressed out, your body releases cortisol and other hormones that suppress your immune system’s response to infection or disease. The more stressed you are, the more likely it is that your immune system will be compromised. Acupuncture helps reduce cortisol levels by increasing production of endorphins — brain chemicals that act as natural painkillers — which may also help improve sleep quality so you feel less stressed all day long.

Improved sleep quality

Many people who undergo acupuncture treatments report better quality sleep after their sessions because their bodies have time to relax and heal during sleep cycles. Improved hormone balance: Hormones play a big role in regulating energy levels, so keeping them balanced can help keep you feeling energetic all day long

Acupuncture can help you feel more energized in your day-to-day life

If you’re looking for a way to feel more energized, acupuncture might be worth checking out. After all, who doesn’t want a little extra energy to kick start their day? All told, it’s safe and painless, and you don’t necessarily have to take my word for it. If you’re feeling sluggish and need a boost, consider giving acupuncture a try.

Can Acupuncture Treat Your Headaches?


Headaches can seriously ruin your day. Whether you have a marathon to run or a presentation to present, having a headache can severely impair your productivity. In fact, statistics estimate that up to 50% of the world population will experience a headache at some point during their life! That’s a lot of headaches, people!

Headaches are also among the most common complaints reported by both adults and children. Today, more than ever before, people have tried a number of remedies to treat their headaches — some have worked while others haven’t. Could acupuncture be one of the treatments that actually works?

Acupuncture for headaches has been around for centuries

Acupuncture is a treatment that has been around for centuries. It involves inserting super-thin needles into the skin at specific points of the body to help treat certain conditions. The idea behind acupuncture is that it can help rebalance the flow of your life force, called qi, through your body.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) says that acupuncture may be helpful in relieving headaches, including migraines and tension headaches. A large review of studies published in Cephalalgia found that people with chronic headaches or migraines had better results when they added acupuncture to their regular routine than they did with conventional medicines alone.

Acupuncture stimulates healing

Acupuncture is used to encourage natural healing, improve mood and energy, reduce or relieve pain and improve function of affected areas of the body. It is safe and effective and is often successfully used as an alternative to medications or even surgery. Relief is often obtained with acupuncture when traditional medical therapy has failed.

Acupuncture is not just for headaches

The medical treatments we associate with acupuncture are not limited to headaches and aches and pains. Acupuncture can be effective for a wide range of health problems, including digestive issues, skin problems like eczema, insomnia and psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

Acupuncture can be used to treat an array of emotional disorders, including anger, grief, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress syndrome.

It is often used during pregnancy to bring on labor or to turn a breech baby. It is also used to reduce the symptoms of menopause and it relieves pain by releasing endorphins in the body.

Acupuncture is also used for addiction treatment for substances like heroin, alcohol and cocaine. Withdrawal symptoms are lessened with a few “tune up” sessions that help the body deal with withdrawal from alcohol or drugs.

Acupuncture is also effective for treating chronic conditions like asthma, hypertension and arthritis by helping the immune system function better.

Acupuncture can help relieve gastrointestinal conditions like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, ulcers diarrhea and acid reflux disease (GERD). It relaxes the stomach muscles and improves digestion by increasing blood flow to the digestive organs.

Acupuncture can be an effective treatment for headaches

Acupuncture is a viable option for headache patients, one that can complement traditional medical treatments. While it’s still likely a good idea to keep aspirin or ibuprofen on hand at all times, seeking out an acupuncture practitioner should be considered an important next step. Acupuncture has been used to treat headaches in Asia for thousands of years; it was only recently introduced to the West, but its efficacy has been confirmed by numerous studies; and now, millions use it as a part of their regular headache treatment regimen. 

The Top 3 Questions To Ask Your Acupuncturist

Your acupuncturist is there to help you feel the best you can. That’s why it’s important to ask any questions that might come to mind, no matter how big or small they might seem.

You want to maintain a healthy and open dialogue with your acupuncturist. If they seem annoyed, or if they don’t want to answer questions, then it might be time to look for another practitioner. After all, you should feel good about the person who’s placing needles in your body!

What kind of treatment can I expect from you?

During your initial appointment, we’ll discuss your health issues and goals, and we will review a thorough intake form that you filled out prior to the visit. We’ll also ask questions about your present symptoms (location, sensation, quality, intensity, etc.) and about your medical history.

Your first acupuncture session usually lasts about 90 minutes. Follow-up visits are shorter and are timed to take place at approximately the same time each day or week. This timing is based on the fact that acupuncture treatments build upon each other over time. Treatments are usually given once or twice per week for acute conditions and less often for chronic ones.

We may also recommend dietary changes to help you achieve better health outcomes. You may also be asked to do some light therapeutic exercises at home or to meditate or rest more between sessions.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

It depends what you’re trying to achieve. Some people feel better after their first acupuncture session, while others may need several before they see significant results. Most patients who seek acupuncture treatment do so for a chronic condition and often have “tried everything else.” It is important to remember that, in general, the longer you have had a condition, the more time it will take to heal. That’s why I like to say that “acupuncture is working, even when it feels like it isn’t.” If you are seeking treatment for an acute condition (a recent injury or illness), you may need fewer treatments than someone with a chronic problem.

The number of treatments also depends on your age (younger people heal more quickly than older ones), your overall health and lifestyle habits (diet, exercise and sleep), and how dedicated you are to doing any follow-up exercises or recommendations I give you between treatments. It can also depend on how well we work together as a team; some people respond well to my style of treatment, while others don’t. You are free to stop treatment at any time or change practitioners if you wish.

How long should I expect to see results?

Most patients will notice some improvement after the first treatment, but typically three to six treatments are required to notice significant results.

This is because every visit builds on the previous one. For example, you may have a headache at your first appointment, and maybe it’s much better after that treatment. But when you come back a week later, your body has had time to process what happened at your last appointment, and now you may have a different symptom emerge. Each treatment builds on the previous one, so the cumulative effect of several treatments is greater than each individual treatment.

3 Ways Acupuncture Can Help You Sleep Better

According to the National Sleep Foundation, 60% of Americans say that they have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep on a regular basis. Sometimes, sleeping medications are needed. If you think about it, that’s quite scary considering how much of an influence lack of sleep has on your overall health.

Have you ever thought about improving your sleep and want to learn how acupuncture can help you get a better night’s rest? If you’ve been suffering from pain or sleep problems, you might want to check out acupuncture. It can help treat pain and insomnia in very effective ways.

Acupuncture Relieves Pain

If you suffer from a condition that causes chronic or severe pain, it can really affect your ability to get a good night’s sleep. Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern healing art that can help with insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Headaches, back pain, muscle tension, and more can keep you awake at night. When this happens, it’s hard to sleep well. Fortunately, there are many excellent natural options for helping you sleep. Acupuncture is one of the best treatments for insomnia pain. In fact, it mimics sleeping pills in how it works.

Acupuncture Lowers Anxiety

Acupuncture is often used as a complementary treatment for anxiety. Although there are a number of different types of acupuncture, the methods all aim to relieve pain and mental stress. The type of acupuncture that directly targets anxiety is known as ear acupuncture or auricular acupuncture. Depending on your practitioner, this treatment could be performed at the same time as acupuncture or separately afterward.

Our body and mind are constantly in motion during the day and this causes strain on our bodies. Acupuncture sessions help to bring harmony to your body and through the acupuncture process you can relax and sleep better naturally.

Acupuncture Improves Sleep Quality

If you have trouble falling asleep, stopping yourself from snoring, or waking up from dreams all night long, it is no secret that these can all interfere with getting a good night’s sleep. It seems like almost everyone has been there before, whether you are in your 20’s or in your 50’s. There are so many different reasons why people have trouble sleeping, ranging from health and medications to life changes and physical activity; it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what the issue is. However, one thing’s for sure: acupuncture can help you sleep better!

Sleep is vital for optimal health and well-being. Many of us have trouble getting enough sleep on a regular basis, however. Fortunately, acupuncture can help with that. Acupuncture’s benefits for sleep go beyond reducing stress, though; it can also help treat certain sleep disorders and improve sleep quality among the general population.

When you’re feeling exhausted or find that your sleep is under attack for whatever reason, an acupuncturist can help. Acupuncture isn’t just about sticking needles in your body: it’s about activating the flow of Qi through meridians in your body to calm nerves and stimulate the immune system.

Most people struggle to get a good night’s sleep. Sleeplessness is a very common problem and can even lead to more serious diseases. Fortunately, your acupuncturist at Acupuncture Continuum may be able to help you sleep better whether you suffer from occasional insomnia or chronic sleeplessness with Acupuncture for Insomnia.

How Acupuncture Can Relieve Stress

Why do we get stressed?

Have you ever wondered why do we get stressed?

Stress is something that puts a lot of strain on our mental well-being. When stressed, we may feel lethargic, anxious or even depressed. While short bursts of stress have been proven to help us perform better at tasks, chronic stress can be extremely damaging.

Stress is a real thing. Stress can be caused by work, school, family and other social relationships, or even money in certain cases. Whether you get stress from your parents or because you’re having trouble paying bills, stress is everywhere we go and unfortunately no matter how hard we try to avoid it, stress can always find a way of finding us.

Stress affects our lives more than we realize. It is an indication that there is something wrong in your body and mind. Stress can significantly affect your health and success over time if you don’t take steps to control it.

How Acupuncture Works

Acupuncture is the process of inserting needles into the body to achieve therapeutic effects. And the question that always comes up when you mention it to someone is, “How does it work?” You may even be wondering this yourself if you haven’t tried the treatment yet.

Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years. It’s based on Chinese philosophy and has a very different approach to health than traditional western medicine. Despite its age, it is still a controversial therapy in the west, but it is slowly being recognized for use in Europe and the US as well. Acupuncture is generally considered safe and effective and can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions. Understanding how acupuncture works will help you understand why it is such a popular treatment option.

There are numerous reasons that acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular, especially in the Western world. These range from the treatments’ putative effects such as pain control to go down to a more prana-centered view of health and healing.

How Acupuncture Relieves Stress

Natural health solutions have become very popular in the past few years. This is mainly because people are becoming aware that they can choose to heal themselves without having to rely on medication, and that natural healing isn’t as ominous as it used to seem. More and more people are turning to acupuncture as a way of relieving the stress in their lives.

Better sleep. Less anxiety. More focus. These are just a few of the reported effects of acupuncture for stress relief, according to multiple studies and surveys.

If you have been experiencing stress, acupressure may be an alternative way to relax and unwind. One of the benefits of acupuncture is its effectiveness in relieving stress. Further, acupuncture may also promote relaxation without the use on pharmaceutical drugs.

Why Should You See an Acupuncturist?

By far, the most significant benefit of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for stress is its restorative powers. Acupuncture allows you to overcome a stressful situation much more quickly and with greater ease. It helps you get back to your baseline feeling of relaxation faster.

Acupuncture reduces the stress chemicals in your body, which allows you to make logical decisions about your stress. Clients have reported reaching a state of complete calm after treatments.

Contact us at Acupuncture Continuum to get more information and to schedule an acupuncture appointment. We will help you feel less stress, tension, and get your body more balanced. We will help you feel more relaxed, less anxious, and experience a more fitful night’s sleep.

A Treatment Option For Your Pain

Acupuncture is a treatment method that has been around for over 3000 years. The fact that it is currently accepted as a mainstream alternative to conventional treatments is a testament to its effectiveness. As early as 1997, the U.S National Institute of Health acknowledged its safety and efficacy and publicized its documented evidence. It is one of the most popular holistic approaches to treatment with no synthetic medication and the associated adverse effects.

Acupuncture helps in the treatment and management of various health conditions, but the most popular one is acupuncture for pain. Some of the other conditions treated by acupuncture include the one below, which has been identified by the WHO as being treated or managed effectively by acupuncture.

· Allergies

· High and low blood pressure

· Chemotherapy treatment symptoms like vomiting and nausea

· Asthma

· Coughs

· Ear infection

· Sore throat

· Lupus

· Constipation and stomach aches

· Urinary incontinence

· Numbness

It also helps with several skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, and rashes. It can also help with emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression, stress, irritability, and insomnia. The treatment can also help with lifestyle health conditions, including alcoholism, drug, and smoking addiction.

Acupuncture for pain treatment also covers a wide range of conditions and sources of the pain from short term pain to chronic pain. These conditions include;

· Arthritis and tendonitis

· Lower and upper back pain

· Pain from migraines and other headaches

· Post-surgical pain

· Muscle spasms and tremors

· Fibromyalgia

· Neurological pain

· Menopause pain

· PMS pain

· Hemorrhoids

Acupuncture is also effective and useful for athletes and those who suffer from sports injuries. Pain conditions form sports where acupuncture helps include elbow injuries, sprains and strains, splints, and other injuries. By relieving the pain, the treatment offers increased mobility and aids faster recovery.

Philosophy behind acupuncture

Acupuncture is based on the ancient oriental philosophy that the body’s health is based on the smooth flow of the life-giving force known as Qi. Any imbalance results in illness and pain, and, to restore the proper balance, the acupuncturist focuses on the pathways through which the Qi flows. Access is possible through 350 acupuncture points in the body, and needles are inserted in proper combinations depending on the medical condition.

While scientific proof is not conclusively given for how acupuncture works, experts have used neuroscience to explain that the meridians are a location where muscles, nerves, and connective tissue can be stimulated. The stimulation increases blood flow in the affected areas and triggers the action of the body’s pain killers and restorative agents.

Acupuncture offers several benefits to the treatment for pain including;

1. It is a safe procedure when done by a professional

2. Has few light side-effects

3. It can safely and effectively be used along with other treatments.

4. It works for a variety of conditions.

5. It helps patients who cannot use drugs.

If you are looking to manage any of these or other health conditions, your best port of call is Acupuncture Continuum, a specialist center in oriental medicine. We have been serving San Diego and Encinitas since 1996, and the owner Ms. Sulgar has a Masters in Oriental Medicine.

Not only do you benefit from our experience and expertise, but we also have one of the largest Chinese herbal apothecaries in the county. The experience and knowledge make us able to help patients with varied conditions. Call today for a free consultation and let us help you get better.

How Acupuncture Can Help Your Body

Ask those who swear by Acupuncture how the technique helps the body, and you be told that it triggers the flow of healing energy leading to a decrease in pain and a boost in mood.

Acupuncture is a holistic Chinese traditional technique of relieving pain. It involves carefully jamming special needles through the skin at specific points of the body known as acupoints.

Before getting to it, the acupuncturist will ask you some questions and assess your condition. They then carefully insert the needles and use some stimulation techniques to enhance the healing process. Manual massage, application of topical herbal medicines, heat therapy, pressure, and electrical stimulation are the most commonly used techniques. The needles stay on between 5-30 minutes before being removed. Depending on your condition, you may need one to three acupuncture treatments for positive results.

Benefits of Acupuncture.

Acupuncture boosts your body’s functions triggering the release of natural anesthetics leading to self-healing. How? When the needles are jammed into your skin, they stimulate the connective tissue and nerves releasing nitric oxide, which in turn increases the flow of blood and triggers the release of therapeutic hormones.

But it is not a painful procedure at all. Except for the mild stinging sensation, you are going to feel as each needle pierce your skin, the rest of the procedure is quite healing; expect a rush in warm and cooling sensations leading to a decrease in pain and improvement in mood.

Acupuncture also helps to restore homeostasis; did you experience a rush in warm and cooling sensation? Yes, that is your homeostatic system working. Before, it was a bit wacky. Chemicals and toxins in your body were wrecking all manner of havoc, but during acupuncture, the increase in blood flow means blood sugar level is restored, hormones are balanced, toxins are carried to eliminating organs, and so on.

Conditions that may be managed using Acupuncture

An imbalance in the homeostatic system leads to weariness, aging, increase in illnesses, among others. By focusing on restoring this system, Acupuncture proves to be an efficient, holistic healing process that focuses on the whole body, including the mental. Acupuncture, therefore, seems to be the answer to almost everything, from slowing down the aging process to managing chronic pain, treating insomnia, infertility and even being used in combination with traditional weight loss methods, Acupuncture is now widely appreciated.

Among the conditions the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) says can surely be helped with Acupuncture include acupuncture chronic anxiety, migraines, neck, joint, knee and lower back pain, low and high blood pressure, cramps, and osteoarthritis among others.

Before booking a session with an acupuncturist, though, keep in mind that there are risks involved. If you have a bleeding disorder, this is not for you. Other risks involve the use of unsterile needles and wrong insertion procedures. Always seek the services of a qualified, licensed, and experienced acupuncturist.

For safe, powerful, healing acupuncture sessions, visit our Acupuncture Continuum center in Encinitas. Our team of experienced holistic healers guarantees positive results just after a few sessions.

What Happens During an Acupuncture Session?

Acupuncture, the controversial Chinese traditional technique of treating pain, most people know it just involves the insertion of specialized needles through the skin at strategic points of the body to target �chi’ points, and that is about the limit of their knowledge

Acupuncture is both an art and science in practice, and it is beyond just using needles. It requires an in-depth understanding of how the body works and whole sections of the skin. The needles stimulate these sections by accurately targeting specific parts of the skin rich in nerves, which in turn trigger respective body functions in glands, tissues, and organs that result in the required effect.

In the study, 25 people were treated to the acupuncture technique, and the biological effect of the procedure was measured. The results were that at the pints where needles were inserted, more nitric oxide was released into the bloodstream increasing blood flow and stimulating the production of natural anesthetics, which lead to either cooling or warm sensations.

These warm or cooling sensations must be the reason some holistic medicine enthusiasts swear by acupuncture that it allows the ‘chi’ to flow well to the right places leading to desirable physical and psychological health.

Increasingly, acupuncture is used to treat migraines and tension headaches. According to the National Center for the Complementary and Integrative

Health, acupuncture can be used to manage the following:

  • Neck pain
  • Knee pain
  • Low back pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Migraines
  • Low and high blood pressure
  • Cramps
  • Facial pain
  • Nausea and vomiting

The efficacy of acupuncture depends on how the procedure is performed. During an acupuncture session, a combination of very thin, disposable, sterile needles are used. You want to work with the best healer for your own safety.

The acupuncturist will first examine and assess your condition then safely insert very thin, sterile needles to stimulate connective tissues, nerves, and muscles. To enhance the effects of the procedure, pressure, electrical, or heat stimulation may be used.

Don’t be scared by the mention of needles. Acupuncture is a relatively painless procedure. The only sensations are the brief tingling or stinging feeling as the needles get inserted and a dissipating dull ache once the needle is in position. And that is all about acupuncture.

The needles are left in place for 5 to 30 minutes to stimulate blood flow and the release of natural anesthetics. The number of acupuncture sessions needed depends on how chronic the condition is. You may need one to three treatment sessions for positive results.

Before booking an acupuncture treatment, though, keep in mind that like all therapies, acupuncture, too, has risks. Acupuncture may be dangerous to patients with bleeding disorders, other dangers may arise in case unsterile needles are used, or insertion is not done correctly. Always ensure your acupuncturists is a licensed professional who knows what they are doing.

For your safe and healing acupuncture procedures, visit Acupuncture Continuum. We are a fully insured and licensed team of experienced holistic healers in Encinitas and San Diego. In just under 3 sessions, you are going to be reeling from how powerful and healing our acupuncture procedures are. Feel free to check past client testimonials on our website.

Best Acupuncture in San Diego

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment that has overtime gained global recognition from medical professionals as an effective therapy for pain and a host of other conditions. The WHO recognizes over 40 physical and mental health, which can be effectively treated by acupuncture. These range from musculoskeletal diseases and skin conditions to emotional issues and gynecological conditions. The right acupuncture San Diego specialist could be the answer to your painful conditions.

Acupuncture is both an art and science in practice, and it is beyond just using needles. It requires an in-depth understanding of how the body works and whole sections of the skin. The needles stimulate these sections by accurately targeting specific parts of the skin rich in nerves, which in turn trigger respective body functions in glands, tissues, and organs that result in the required effect.

Benefits of Acupuncture

Contrary to the picture portrayed the process is not painful nor uncomfortable and offers numerous benefits including the following;

Pain Management

Acupuncture is an excellent pain relief therapy for many conditions and has proven to be effective, whether in injury recovery or neurological conditions.


It is a non-invasive procedure that results in fast recovery and places you at no risk of injury or pain associated with the treatment.

No Side Effects

Unlike other pain therapies, there are no side effects after the treatment, and it can be styled to suit a person’s unique needs and medical condition.

Safely Supplements Other Treatments

Acupuncture can be used safely with other drugs and therapies, supplementing them without any contraindication or negative effect.

What to look for in the best acupuncturist

You will need to be under the care of the best acupuncturist to reap maximum benefits from acupuncture and even use it as an alternative medicine.

Here is how to know you have such a specialist


There is no going around the need for proper training and credentials. Acupuncture is a precision therapy, and each condition requires a specific approach. The right credentials show that at least the person treating you is knowledgeable in the treatment.

Experience and Expertise

Experience comes with years of practice, and with credentials and further training, it helps build expertise. These two help an acupuncturist perform the right diagnosis and prescribe the most effective approach to a patient.


Beyond their skills and expertise, and acupuncturist should communicate clearly and plainly to the patients. An essential part of this is listening and paying attention to the patients’ needs and concerns. Find an acupuncturist who seeks to understand you and also makes sure you comprehend the treatment process without being pushy or brushing off your worries.

Feedback and Reviews

You can gauge the suitability of an acupuncturist based on the kind of feedback you get from prior patients using referral sites, contacts from the specialists, social media pages, and other review sites.

Why choose Acupuncture Continuum for Your Services

If you are looking for the best acupuncture San Diego specialist, then Acupuncture Continuum is the right place for you. We have the necessary experience and expertise, providing acupuncture services since 1996. All the staff are certified professionals, and our acupuncturist is fully licensed and has a Masters in Oriental Medicine.

Our clinic also offers treatment for various conditions, including pain management, women’s health concerns, and facial rejuvenation. We also embrace oriental herbal medicines to provide excellent natural care. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us plan a treatment plan that will start your journey to relief.