Acupuncture For Anxiety

Acupuncture For Anxiety

Everyone gets anxious at some point. It is a natural response to stressful situations or an instinctive reaction to imminent danger. Anxiety keeps us alive by alerting us of potentially dangerous situations. For the most part, it does its job excellently. However, sometimes, our minds don’t know how to relax, even when there’s no present danger. In small occasional doses, anxiety is harmless, but when it becomes a part of your daily routine, it can have significant negative effects on your life and wellbeing.

Anxiety is no laughing matter

Alongside depression, anxiety disorders are one of the worst mental disorders we know. It exists by different names: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety, panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Chronic anxiety has debilitating effects on the body. First, it increases the presence of the hormone cortisol, a known stress hormone. Extreme anxiety, which is often in the form of a panic attack, can cause difficulty breathing, tightness around the chest, sweating, and irregular heartbeats, which can be dangerous.

Perhaps the biggest impact anxiety can have on someone is making it impossible to interact with people in social settings. Social anxiety affects a large percentage of the adult population. People suffering from this disorder have difficulty making friends and often end up with suicidal thoughts.

Anxiety is, therefore, a grave medical condition that can cause harm if left untreated. Conventional treatments do work, but more often than not, they come with side effects. There are a number of non-pharmaceutical anxiety medicines, and one of them is acupuncture.

Acupuncture and Anxiety

Acupuncture is a treatment as ancient as Chinese civilization. For millennia, it has served as a remedy for a number of illnesses. In traditional China, it was believed to work by restoring the flow of Qi around the body. Since then, we’ve discovered that anxiety can do much more for our health and wellbeing. It has now been adapted as an alternative treatment for a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, stress, hormonal imbalances, musculoskeletal injuries, depression, and anxiety.

The question is, how exactly does acupuncture help in the treatment of anxiety?

Traditional Chinese healers were not far off when they guessed that acupuncture restored the body’s natural state of balance. Qi, or the aura of energy that surrounds each individual, is emitted by pores, and they believed that if your qi was weak, you could easily fall ill.

In a way, they were right; acupuncture does help restore the body’s homeostatic balance. Acupuncture needles are stuck just above the nerves in the skin, a process that triggers an immune response. Patients of acupuncture report feeling instantly better after the session, and that’s because acupuncture promotes the production of feel-good hormones like serotonin.

Anxiety, like any other mental disorder, is typically caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Homeostasis is our body’s natural way of self-regulation, so when induced through acupuncture, the body’s healing process begins, and good hormones are released.

Even as a temporary solution for chronic anxiety, acupuncture is far better than any prescription drug because it is natural, effective, and quite powerful.

Where can you find a qualified acupuncturist?

Acupuncture is a widely practised art form, but not every acupuncturist will be able to solve your problems in one or two sessions. Acupuncture Continuum is a one-stop-destination for all things acupuncture and the right place to visit if you’re interested in managing anxiety using the powerful effects of acupuncture.

Our staff is experienced, patient, and welcoming, and will walk you through the process until you’re ready. When it comes to natural treatments, acupuncture is one of the most effective, and we recommend it to everyone, not just people with anxiety. Nevertheless, the benefits of acupuncture on anxiety patients are evident, so call Acupuncture Continuum and experience them for yourself.

Why Does Acupuncture Work?

The art of pressing needles into the skin originated from ancient China, where it was used to treat a long list of ailments. Acupuncture has been around for over two and a half millennia, and according to recent research, it may be more effective than was previously thought.

How Does It Work?

Acupuncture is a minimally invasive type of therapy. It involves the use of needles to stimulate nerve clusters under the skin, a process that influences not only body functions, but also the well-being of surrounding glands, organs, and tissues.

In acupuncture, each needle is used to create tiny wounds on the skin. These injuries are too small to cause any pain or discomfort, but they are

enough to elicit a response from the immune system. The injured area receives special attention from the immune system in the form of better circulation and pain modulation, and the immune system prepares to initiate the wound-healing process.

Why Is Acupuncture So Effective?

We are yet to understand how acupuncture works at a molecular level. What we know for certain is that it does have a positive impact on health and well-being.

Acupuncture is most effective when used to treat chronic pain and nausea. For the longest time, its primary use was to relieve pain in the head, neck, and back.

In ancient China, acupuncture was believed to restore the flow of qi, a type of energy that supposedly coursed through and animated the human body. Back then, it was believed that disruptions in the flow of qi caused illness.

Today’s acupuncture treatments are not based on the same principles. One of the most popular theories about why acupuncture works suggest that the needles stimulate the nerves, which in turn signal the brain to release beta-Endorphins.

Beta-Endorphins are the feel-good hormones responsible for the euphoric feeling acupuncture patients get after sessions. It also increases the body’s pain thresholds, which explains why it is an effective treatment for chronic pain.

Another theory suggests that acupuncture works by reducing pro-inflammatory markers. Certain areas of the body, for instance, an area below the knee known as stomach 36, is known to have this anti-inflammatory response when stimulated.

Acupuncture is also used to help cancer patients manage some of the side effects of cancer treatments. It can alleviate chemotherapy-induced nausea as well as peripheral neuropathy, a similar chemo-induced condition that’s characterized by numbness in the extremities. It allegedly does this by stimulating the brain into producing nerve growth factors, which promote nerve healing and regeneration.

Who Needs Acupuncture?

At Acupuncture Continuum, we believe that everyone could use the rewarding benefits of this therapy. Nevertheless, most of our patients come to us seeking comfort from never-ending pain, discomfort, and persistent hormonal issues. Our door is always open for you if you suffer from any of the following conditions:

•Chronic pain – Headaches, migraines, pain in the neck, back, and knees, whether induced by injuries or preexisting conditions, can be alleviated by acupuncture therapy.

•Hormonal imbalances – acupuncture provokes a homeostatic response, so it is quite effective when dealing with incessant menstrual cramps and intense pre and post-menstrual symptoms brought on by hormonal issues.

•Nausea – whether chemo-induced or brought on by pregnancy, acupuncture can be used to manage nausea.

•Sprains – moderately injured joints respond well to acupuncture treatments, which expedites the healing process while reducing pain.

Visit Acupuncture Continuum in Encinitas to get quality acupuncture treatments from a certified, skilled, and experienced acupuncturist.

Acupuncture For Healthy Sleep

Sleep can either be one of the greatest pleasures of life or the biggest frustrations. As per statistics by the AMA (American Sleep Association), most normal adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night to function correctly and optimally.

SleepScore Labs in 2017 released the most significant consumer sleep study ever, proving that only a few individuals actually get the minimum amount of rest that they require to remain healthy. Luckily, there are numerous all-natural remedies to assist you in sleeping better at night, with one of those remedies being acupuncture. So what is acupuncture? And how is it great for healthy sleep?

What is Acupuncture?

In essence, acupuncture is among several ancient Chinese medications. Currently, the practice is now widespread in the Western medicine sector as a complementary or alternative therapy. More and more patients are going for acupuncture for its ability to relief a diverse array of health concerns ranging from diseases to alcohol and drug addiction, as well as sleep issues such as insomnia.

In fact, according to acupuncture, the primary cause of insomnia is the disruption of light and dark, yin and yang energy, or day and night.

How does it Work?

Typically, acupuncturists utilize significantly long and thin needles, which they insert in several sections of the body along with the various energy flow points known as meridians. Besides being painless, these needles are used in opening life energy channels that are blocked. Usually, when your spiritual and physical energy flow is effectively shut off, the body subsequently responds with various symptoms, either of sickness or another disaccord, such as insomnia. In essence, these particular symptoms indicate energy obstruction that acupuncture alleviates.

Acupuncture for Insomnia treatment

For centuries now, acupuncture has been used in the successful treatment of insomnia symptoms. Insomnia basically represents the inability to sleep or catch sleep. According to Chinese medicine, insomnia represents a distinct energy imbalance.

In essence, acupuncture is known to help with insomnia, although it requires several continuous sessions. Usually, most patients report relaxation and calmness like never before, while others were reporting a virtually involuntary emotional release.

Acupuncture for sleep apnea treatment

Another sleep dysfunction is sleep apnea, which is a disorder where a person stops breathing while sleeping. This can either be caused by a blocked airway that can be as a result of a brain condition, obesity, or a physical abnormality. This condition causes snoring and can result in the person gasping or choking, which subsequently rouses then from sleep.

Nonetheless, acupuncture can aid individuals suffering from this condition by effectively stimulating the tissues and muscles of their airways. This way, they get stronger and are less likely to collapse during sleep, hence resolving apnea.

Essentially, auriculotherapy acupoint pressure may help in alleviating sleep apnea symptoms by the stimulation of muscles around the ear also. In fact, according to a recent research study that involved 362 persons indicates that acupuncture can be as effective or even better in comparison to chin devices or CPAP machines.

Ideally, acupuncture designed for sleep apnea strengthens tongue muscles to prevent the tissue from subsiding and subsequently blocking the airway while a person is sleeping. This finding can be backed by independent Brazilian research that indicated that acupuncture strengthened patient tongues by between 3 and 4 times in addition to decreasing apnea-related symptoms by 50%.

Professional Acupuncture services

If you experience trouble sleeping or you continuously struggle with symptoms of insomnia or sleep apnea among any other sleep disorders, you should consider going for an acupuncture treatment plan. When pooled with various other sleep hygiene practices such as herbal teas and meditation, acupuncture treatments may transform your nightlife into a dream, and you will feel well-rested.

At Acupuncture Continuum, we will establish a distinct acupuncture treatment plan just for you. We are an accredited acupuncture specialist backed by vast knowledge and experience to deal with any sleep condition. Get in touch with us for a free consultation and set up a precise treatment plan.

Why You Should Try Acupuncture

Pharmaceutical drugs and invasive surgeries leave side-effects. Therefore, people around the world are making conscious efforts to move towards alternative medicine practices that leave no aftereffect. In recent years, the popularity of acupuncture has grown immensely. Acupuncture is a holistic practice that focuses on restoring the body’s natural equilibrium and function by penetrating the skin with tiny needles. Acupuncture needles are different from hypodermic needles and thus, do not hurt as much. In fact, some forms of acupuncture, such as Toyohari, do not use needles at all.

Acupuncture is safe and effective. Here are the top 5 reasons you should try acupuncture.

1. Acupuncture Does Not Leave Behind Any Unusual Side Effects

Acupuncture is a natural therapy that does not use any drugs or invasive procedures. Several studies have been conducted to show the negative side-effects of drug therapies and invasive procedures on the human body. Acupuncture works in conjunction with the body’s natural processes and does not leave any unusual side effects.

2. It Strengthens the Immune System

The digestive tract, skin, and the lymphatic system are essential components of the human immune system. Sometimes, due to diseases, medication, or poor lifestyle choices, the immune system becomes weak. A weak immune system results in the body being unable to fight diseases and infections. Acupuncture focuses on regulating the flow of Qi. Qi refers to the energy flow created by acupuncture between different points of the body. By regulating Qi, acupuncture naturally strengthens the immune system.

3. Acupuncture Revives Body’s Self-Healing Capacity

Acupuncture does not focus on treating the symptoms of a disease; it focuses on treating the root. Acupuncture does so by activating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Thus, it re-energizes the body to produce natural pain-relieving chemicals. In most cases, these chemicals are dopamines and endorphins that work together to reduce pain and naturally eliminate diseases from their roots.

4. It Is Affordable

In comparison to drug therapies, medications, and surgical procedures, acupuncture is much more affordable. As opposed to western medical treatments, this natural and holistic practice will not burn a hole in your pocket. Moreover, acupuncture focuses on promoting lifestyle changes, which helps in preventing any future illnesses.

5. It Works

Acupuncture is an age-old practice that has survived the test of time, primarily because it is effective. According to some researchers, acupuncture uses the principles of quantum physics to treat various physiological disorders. Though scientists and researchers are still trying to understand the exact mechanisms that make acupuncture so useful, the efficacy of acupuncture cannot be denied anymore.

Why Should You Choose Acupuncture Continuum?

Whether you are suffering from chronic pain or hormonal imbalances, Acupuncture Continuum is the name to trust. From pain and injuries to gynecological issues and internal problems, our staff at Acupuncture Continuum is well-versed in handling all kinds of issues. Our staff is also really friendly and will help you every step of the way. We only hire skilled acupuncturists to work with our clients. Most clients begin to notice changes within one to three sessions. Acupuncture Continuum was established in 1996 and has successfully treated thousands of patients since then. If you are looking for an acupuncture Encinitas expert, visit Acupuncture Continuum for a consultation.

How Often Do You Need To Go In For Acupuncture?

Mostly, when patients begin to contemplate acupuncture, they have lots of questions regarding how effective the treatment is and what it will mean for the quality of their lives, especially the sessions schedule. One frequent question they ask is “how often should I go?” The last thing anyone wants is to get tethered to any therapy for an indefinite time. It is important for patients to get an idea of what the routine of their treatment will be before fully committing themselves.

How often should you get Acupuncture?

Even though we are all unique individuals, generally, it is best to come frequently during the first few days, and then spread out the treatments once you become responsive and start seeing results. Acupuncture treatments are mostly cumulative, so you’ll feel the benefit with every subsequent session. It is usually recommended for patients to come once to twice a week for four to six sessions, then change to a two week schedule, and then once a month, until the condition disappears. Those decisions are made depending on how well you respond to the treatment. The number of sessions needed depends on the condition of every person, and their response rate. One acupuncture treatment does not always lead to total relief of pain.

Can your Body Revert?

When you wait for too long between each acupuncture session, your body can revert. There are some general principles to ensure better healing and show how your treatment will look like:

  • It is quicker to resolve acute conditions than chronic ones. For instance, if you sprain your ankle and you get treatment immediately after the injury, you’ll feel less pain and recover after two to three treatments. In such instances, you need to keep the momentum going by getting treatment regularly. If you wait for a long time between sessions, your body can go back to its initial state. It will take a longer time to solve these issues this way.
  • We are limited by our wallets and tight schedule. Ideally, when someone gets injured, they get treated for ten sessions, and then they are reevaluated and start another session if progress is made. Most people don’t have that kind of luxury.

In reality, the issues that cause people to seek acupuncture treatments are both unpredictable and disruptive. Every individual will respond differently to acupuncture, and will progress at their own pace. Generally, the longer someone lives with a condition without treatment, the longer and more frequent their acupuncture sessions will be. It is recommended for patients to always monitor their progress and see their practitioners to determine the continuity of their treatment. It improves the healing process. Don’t only depend on acupuncture for treating chronic conditions unless you talk to your doctor first, since there could be other ways to make your condition better. Your healthcare provider will give you a recommendation to use acupuncture together with other treatment models such as medication or physical therapy.

Acupuncture is a great way to treat various medical conditions. Making use of it as a form of preventive medicine can save you lots of energy, time, money and pain. Don’t stay wondering how often your treatment should be, rather visit us at Acupuncture Continuum in Encinitas, CA and we’ll create an acupuncture treatment plan for you.

Encinitas Acupuncture

Acupuncture Fertility San Diego

We believe that Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can play an integral part in fertility/ infertility treatments. Acupuncture is based on the theory that vital energy flows through the body along certain pathways. At Acupuncture Continuum, we try to balance this energy and restore health by stimulating specific points along energy pathways with very thin needles. Although acupuncture and herbal medicine has been a staple of Chinese culture for health and healing for thousands of years, acupuncture has gained wide acceptance in the American medical community only in the past few decades.

Our traditional herbal medicine and acupuncture therapy can be very effective in correcting many imbalances which are the cause of complex hormonal and physical disorders that lead to infertility or reduced fertility. Proper lifestyle and nutrition are very important in achieving balance and wellness. Once this has been achieved, conception is far more likely.

How does acupuncture help improve fertility?

  • Acupuncture increases blood flow to the ovaries, which provides the optimal conditions necessary to improve egg quality and increase follicle count.
  • Acupuncture improves blood circulation within the uterine lining to promote successful implantation.
  • Acupuncture reduces the side effects of medications used in IVF protocols and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures.
  • Acupuncture decreases uterine contractions, which encourages implantation and prevents miscarriage.
  • Acupuncture reduces the stress of trying to get pregnant.
  • Acupuncture helps to balance the immune system and supports general health.

At Acupuncture Continuum, we offer an effective medical system for fertility/infertility utilizing Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, which is natural and safe. It is our purpose to offer our patients our dedication, experience and integrity to insure the best chances for an effective treatment for fertility/infertility. Our Acupuncture Encinitas serves the San Diego, CA area, including Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Escondido, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Rancho Santa Fe, and surrounding areas.

Click here to schedule your free consultation.

North County Acupuncture

If you live in the North County San Diego area, and are looking for a noninvasive, inexpensive way to find relief from chronic or acute pain, women’s health issues, or just looking for wellness and preventive care, Acupuncture Continuum can help you.

Pain and Dry Needling

From headaches to sore muscles, we all experience pain from time to time. But if your pain becomes more frequent or severe – or it affects your ability to work, sleep, maintain relationships, or participate in the activities you love, you may want to try acupuncture.

When something goes wrong in the body, sensory messages travel through nerves to the brain, where we register the feeling of pain. If pain from an injury or illness persists, these pathways can become extremely sensitive.

Dry needling can help address both the initial cause of the pain, and the sensitive pathways that develop over time. These therapies help provide immediate relief and relaxation while stimulating the repair of damaged muscles and tissues. You’ll begin to feel better, move more freely, and heal the physical, emotional, and mental effects of pain.

Women’s Health & Fertility

Women have unique health needs ranging from fertility, pregnancy, postpartum support, and hormonal changes. Whether you are trying to get pregnant, or you’re looking for an effective way to balance your hormones, we are here to help. We work with women of all ages, with various conditions and concerns.

Wellness & Preventive Care

Acupuncture can work at preventing various health conditions and diseases before they happen. While many types of medical care involve the use of treating symptoms, acupuncture can balance the body and strengthen the immune system to prevent medical conditions and disease from starting.

If you are struggling with chronic health issues, frustrated and feeling like you have run out of options, and unable to relax and enjoy life, take advantage of our free consultation. We’ll sit down with you to discuss the pain or health conditions that you’ve been struggling with, and formulate a treatment plan. Click here to schedule your free consultation.